Job completed for Tascha P.

Completion date:

July 1, 2021


Fredericksburg, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer had bats in their warehouse.

Solutions provided:

Behind the gutter are gaps that bats are taking full advantage. A musket brown metal will be install along the bottom edge of the gutter and secured to the cement wall. This will block the gap off and prevent further entry. Will be installed along the gutter line on the rear of the building.
Along the rear roof line the ends of the roof are open or have spray foam the birds are pecking through. Install stainless steel screen on all the ends of the roof to prevent entry of birds and bats into those areas.

In the Bay Area, remove the bird nesting indicated by the technician. Sterifab area to disinfect. On the floor behind each support beam there is bay guano. Bay guano will be removed as best as possible and a sterifab will be used to disinfect.

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