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Job completed for Caroline W.

Completion date:

May 28, 2021


Sterling, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer had squirrels in their attic.


Solutions provided:

Trapping program for up to five business days at front right corner of home at return. When trap is set remove dead squirrel from soffit which is hanging out. Replace front gable or left and right hand side of home rake boards to include painting best color match which is currently a almond. Box off left and right corners using metal where squirrels have chewed through. Replace upper right hand front side Rick board and paint color of almond. Replace facia board on front of home behind gutter to include reinstall and reset of gutter and paint the color of almond. Install critter guard on front and rear of home behind gutter line using metal to reinforce with the screws for prevention of chewing through top of facia board from squirrels. Install ridge guard vent on left and right hand sides to include capping the ends on upper roof to prevent squirrels from entering attic. Removal of insulation from attic to include dropping some rodents, disinfect attic to kill any bacteria, parasites, or fleas. Deodorize attic for smell of urine and blow in our 38 cellulose insulation to current standard.



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