Job completed for David M.

Completion date:

July 23, 2020


Fairfax, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer had bats in their attic.

Solutions provided:

Temporarily seal soffit and rake board on left side of home. Client is having a contractor do actual repairs and new roofing on home so this will be just temporarily seal at work. Install a one-way exit for squirrels return on left side of home and a one-way for bats at soffits on left side of home at rear section. Trapping program for a period of one business week or five working days for squirrels At left return on roof. Program not defined in number of catches. Removal of old soiled insulation from entire attic, disinfect attic to kill any bacteria, parasites, or fleas. Blow in r 38 cellulose insulation to current standard.

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