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Job completed for Ian C.

Completion date:

June 15, 2020


Broadlands, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer had raccoons in their attic.

Solutions provided:

Remove damaged section of shingles and install new underlayment and black architectural shingles to match as best as possible. On the right side of home remove damaged bathroom exhaust vent. Install new khaki colored exhaust to match as best as possible and new metal bird guard to prevent entry of animals. Re install flex tube on the inside of the attic. Once mother raccoon is caught remove technician will remove indicated back gutter, metal fascia, and soffit line to remove baby raccoons. If baby raccoons can not be reached then drywall from the inside will be removed. Client will need to get another company to do the drywall repair. 


Existing Gutter, existing soffit line and new white metal on fascia will be installed after all work is finished.

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