Job completed for Rob S.

Completion date:

April 17, 2020


Leesburg, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer heard animal noises in their attic.

Solutions provided:

Trapping program at front left gable, it will be 32 foot ladder set. Trapping program not defined a number of catches or guarantee and as for a period of one week up to five working days. Summit to remove old one-way exit and box off five corners of eaves on front of home with Heritage cream metal from burger trim coil. Client has approved this color. After work has been completed the soffit to the left of eve section directly to the left to be dropped and inspected for any baby squirrels and reinstalled. Rake board to be repaired from chewing damage by squirrels  ,one by eight is the size of rake board. It will be painted the color of Casa Blanca by Sherman Williams paints. After all work is completed disinfect the attic with sterifab to kill any odor or bacteria.

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